Sunday, September 28, 2014

St. Paul UMC Fall Activities

Happy Fall Y'all!  Come, Join us!  You are always welcome to come to worship at 10:45am on Sundays, and Sunday School for all ages begins at 9:45am.  Below is a sampling of some of the other things we have going on this Fall! 
September Sermon Series: The Book of Exodus!  Let's journey with Moses and the Israelites and discover how the lessons they learned can apply to our lives today. 

September 28, 2014: Open House at the Parsonage and Mission Fundraiser
John Moyer's BBQ chicken will be provided, and church members are invited to bring picnic-style sides to share.  The event will start at 4:00pm and include an opportunity to see the parsonage, food, and games for all ages.  We are even planning a whiffle ball game to help with the mission fundraising.

October Mission Opportunity: Bring Shampoo for the Fountain City Ministry Center.  Also, pecans for $10 a pound are on sale to raise money for diapers. 

October 5, 2014: Hunger Hike! 
We will meet at the church at 1:30 to head over for the Hunger Hike at the TVA Pavioion at Lakeshore Park.  You can pick up donor support worksheets on the bulletinboard near the church office.  Money goes to support Fountain City Ministry Center- Camp Meeting/ Piano Dedication

October 26, 2014: Camp Meeting, Storytelling, and Community Dinner
An event for all ages!  Nursery will be provided for children 5 years old and under, if parents would prefer.  The program will begin in the Sanctuary at 4:30pm with special camp meeting style music from the choir, and solos to highlight our beautiful baby grand piano.  This service will include a piano dedication because we have officially paid the bill in full and it is time to set the piano apart for the very sacred task of leading worship each week.

We will also have storytelling! Introducing to St. Paul, Dianne Hackworth!  From her website: "Although she has honed her skills with a Master's degree in Storytelling, Dianne comes to storytelling naturally, having learned many of her stories from her parents and grandparents. She keeps all these stories alive by passing them on to you! Touring throughout the Southeast telling stories for all ages, Dianne brings to life Appalachian Tales, musical tales, and folktales from around the world."  Read more about her on her website:  She promises that there may even be a slightly spooky story to share with Halloween just around the corner.

After the music and storytelling we will commune together over an old fashioned, St. Paul style smorgesbord pot-luck! John Moyer's Barbeque will be our central dish, but bring your favorite dish to share!  It will be a great evening to get to know your friends at St. Paul, and a wonderful opportunity to invite a friend to church for a time of sweet fellowship and entertainment.

November 2, 2014: All Saints and Stewardship Commitment Sunday
Rev. Carl Oakes, beloved former pastor of St. Paul will be our guest preacher on this Sunday.  We will remember and celebrate those who have gone on to be with Jesus, with a reminder that we must pick up where they left off to do God's work in this neighborhood and throughout our world. Every Sunday in worship is meaningful, but this day will be particularly special with Rev. Oakes among us.

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St. Paul UMC- Fountain City

St. Paul UMC- Fountain City