Hello friends of St. Paul UMC: Can you believe that we are on the doorstep of summer-time?! We have a lot planned and you won't want to miss it!
Pastor Sarah will be having a baby girl any day now and she will be out
of the office for the first few weeks of summer. During that time Rev.
Jim Whedbee will be filling the pulpit, along with our own, Rev. Bass,
and our District Superintendent, Rev. Nathan Malone. You won't want to
miss any of these sermons!
Here are some church-wide activities that we would like to highlight:
June 10: Lake Junaluska Singers Concert will start at 7:00pm in the Sanctuary. You don't want to miss this incredible group of professional singers! This event will not be ticketed, but there will be an opportunity to respond with a love offering.
June 13: "Movies on the Lawn" will feature a special film for a weekend of celebrating that special Father in your life! Come for games and food starting around 8:00, and the movie will start once it is dark enough to see-- bring a lawn chair, quilt, and a friend!
June 15: Casual Worship and Break-FEAST! Sunday morning worship will include a breakfast and laid-back feel as we meet in the fellowship hall this morning. Tables will be set up to enjoy the food provided by the Hospitality Committee. Our music director, Josh, will host us in a good old fashioned hymn sing and Rev. Linda Bass will bring the word on this day. It will be a wonderful and relaxing time for fellowship and community.
June 22: The Chattanooga Boys Choir will be in worship at St. Paul this morning! Come to worship God with the musical leadership of Mr. Vincent Oakes and a 35 voice Boys Concert Choir--wow! What a special day!
July 12 and 19: "Made with Love": Vacation Bible School with an emphasis on the arts! This event will take place on 2 Saturdays, starting at 9:00am until 1:30pm. It is open to all children through the 5th grade, if your child is under the age of 2, a parent will need to stay with them to guide them through the day. We have crafts, outdoor activities, and music planned with lunch and snack included. All for free! If you are interested, please register by calling the church office (687-2952), we will also have registration on the morning of the event. Spread the word!
July 28: "Movies on the Lawn" will feature a current favorite of every young child right now--And yes, in addition to our usual spread of food we will have something frozen to enjoy as well! Come for games and food starting around 7:00, and the movie will start
once it is dark enough to see-- bring a lawn chair, quilt, and a
August 1-2: Operation Backyard! We will do a mission project in our city for a family that is in need, and we need plenty of volunteers. We have committed to have 15 volunteers on the 1st and 20 on the 2nd. No skills are necessary (though they are welcome)--plan to be there! Lunch will be provided during the work day.
August 23: "Movies on the Lawn" in celebration for the return of the school year. Come for games and food starting around 7:00, and the movie will start
once it is dark enough to see-- bring a lawn chair, quilt, and a
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