Jesus said a lot of things that challenge our understanding of ourselves, our neighbor, and our perceived enemies...
Join us for the next several weeks as we continue to study Jesus' "Sermon on the Mount." Worship is at 10:45am, and Sunday School meets starting at 9:30am. We have Sunday School classes for all ages.
February 5, 2017:
Matthew 5:13-2
Here Jesus talks about how we are to be "salt and light" in the world-- like a city on a hill or salt that seasons and protects. What might he mean for us as individuals? As a church?
February 12, 2017:
Matthew 5:21-37
The sermon turns fairly pointed in this portion when Jesus says that if a person lusts in their heart they have already committed adultery...If they have conflict with their neighbor, they have already murdered them...So, ummm, let's talk about sin, shall we?
February 19, 2017:
Matthew 5:38-48
This is a portion of the message that is one of the hardest to understand, especially in the face of hypotheticals. Jesus says to "turn the other cheek" and to "go the extra mile" when treated unfairly. What about defending the helpless? We aren't called to be doormats, so what does he mean?
February 26, 2017:
Matthew 6:24-34
Jesus puts into perspective our culture of worry-- God cares for the birds of the air and the lilies of the field, how much more does God care for our needs? There's nothing practical or simple about this advice, it is, like our entire faith, a way of life.
Hope to see you and yours in worship on Sundays!
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