Sitting in the choir is the best seat in the house. One can see all the members of the congregation. There are long-time friends and new members. There are visitors and previous members sitting with their parents. Each one special and each one loved, old friends and new members and some waiting to become friends.
Communion is a very special time. From the choir one can silently name and pray for each St. Paul family member. As each individual comes down the aisle and kneels at the rail, a prayer is lifted to God for the ones receiving the gift of His Son. We thank God for each one. And we can't help by remember the ones no longer with us.
Sentiment aside: From the choir we see and enjoy the children and babies of St. Paul. What a blessing!
Does it matter that one little redhead runs up the aisle while Sarah is speaking? Does it matter that Sarah's own girls interrupt her children's time? Does it matter if a baby fusses? "Don't take them out!" They are part of the family too. Seeing young children in their father's arms puts an "ahh" in each heart of those watching. Seeing mothers touch their daughters and sons with gentleness is an added joy in the heart of the beholder.
Sitting in the choir means singing and praising God. And we do this with pleasure and commitment. Everything said above is an additional blessing.
--From the heart of Dot Conner, St. Paul Historian
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