Sunday, April 17, 2016

Now Hiring! Positions to be filled...

St. Paul UMC, Fountain City is seeking a part-time Music Director to lead the music program and direct the Chancel Choir, experience with Handbells is preferred but not required. Please submit a cover letter and resume to, or call the office for additional details at 865-687-2952.

St. Paul UMC, Fountain City is seeking a part-time pianist/organist.  Responsibilities include accompanying the Chancel Adult Choir, and being the primary instrumental musician during Sunday morning worship.  Please send a cover letter and resume, or call the office for additional details at 865-687-2952.

 St. Paul UMC, Fountain City is seeking a nursery worker.  Responsibilities include: caring for children Sunday mornings from 9:00am-12:00pm.  Additional opportunities for work may be available with notification. Background check required and First Aid training preferred, but can be provided.  If you are interested, please contact the church office for more information: (865) 687-2952 or email:

For more information, see our website: or see our Facebook page at

From a Choir Member's Perspective...

       Sitting in the choir is the best seat in the house.  One can see all the members of the congregation. There are long-time friends and new members.  There are visitors and previous members sitting with their parents.  Each one special and each one loved, old friends and new members and some waiting to become friends.
      Communion is a very special time.  From the choir one can silently name and pray for each St. Paul family member.  As each individual comes down the aisle and kneels at the rail, a prayer is lifted to God for the ones receiving the gift of His Son.  We thank God for each one.  And we can't help by remember the ones no longer with us. 
Sentiment aside: From the choir we see and enjoy the children and babies of St. Paul.  What a blessing! 
      Does it matter that one little redhead runs up the aisle while Sarah is speaking?  Does it matter that Sarah's own girls interrupt her children's time?  Does it matter if a baby fusses?  "Don't take them out!" They are part of the family too.  Seeing young children in their father's arms puts an "ahh" in each heart of those watching.  Seeing mothers touch their daughters and sons with gentleness is an added joy in the heart of the beholder.
Sitting in the choir means singing and praising God.  And we do this with pleasure and commitment.  Everything said above is an additional blessing. 
                                 --From the heart of Dot Conner, St. Paul Historian

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Current Sermon Series!

Stories from Sunday School (Uncensored)
April 3         Trouble in Paradise: Cain and Abel
"I'm not my brother's keeper," words spoken by Cain to God when God asked about Abel's whereabouts.  So, the question is, are we one another's keeper?  What is there to learn from this story of family rivalry and violence? 
April 10       Sheep Patrol: Psalm 23
     These words are recited and most every Christian funeral, so often that even people
     Who do not have a connection with a faith community can recite portions of it...      
    "The Lord is my Shepherd."  Why is this passage so meaningful? 
April 17       Parenthood and Modern Family: Abraham and Sarah
     Parenthood, family  and marriage can be difficult at any age.  Infant loss and  
     fertility is a silent grief. The drama behind closed doors is not usually the story we
    know.  Can you relate? 
April 24       Warrior Nation: Story of Gideon
     God is with you!  Then why is there so much trouble?  God will see you
     through!  Then why hasn't God already done something?
     God can use you! Haha... who, me? 
May 1         Beauty is More than Skin Deep: Esther
     Body image issues, women's liberation, identity, low expectations, feminism, female
     leadership...need I say more? 
May 8         A Whale of a Story (or is it big fish?): Jonah
     I love this story!  Jonah in the belly of the whale because he wouldn't go where God
    was sending him!  Wait, the belly of a whale?  That's a horrible place to be... and the    
    people God wants Jonah to speak truth and repentance to are not good   
   people.  What is the point of this story again? 
May 15     Special Worship Celebration of Pentecost!
     Pentecost is the birthday of God's church!  In honor of this very momentous occasion, we will have as our guest, John Purifoy, a local composer and musician.  The sanctuary will be specially adorned in celebration of Pentecost, and much of the liturgy and music will be composed specifically for the worship service. You won't want to miss this very meaningful time of worship and community.

St. Paul UMC- Fountain City

St. Paul UMC- Fountain City