Join us for any and all activities during the Lenten season! The sermon series will be loosely based on a book called A World Worth Saving: Lenten Spiritual Practices for Action by: George Hovaness Donigian. In addition to our usual services during Lent and Easter we will also have our annual Easter Egg Hunt for the children of the Fountain City Community, and a special afternoon of "Musical Madness" as we learn about our Choral Scholars and raise money to continue supporting them. Worship is on Sundays at 10:45am.
March 5: Ash Wednesday
Sermon Text: Luke 4:1-13
Giving up Apathy for Lent or, taking up a mission focus. Check out this list of missions that our church is involved in and choose one to focus on...start by committing to pray for this ministry daily and get informed about the ins and outs!
March 9: Lent Sunday 1
Sermon Text: James 2:14-18
We serve God when we serve others. So, what is our response right now to what God is doing in our midst? How can you connect at a deeper level with the mission for which you have chosen to pray?
March 16: Lent Sunday 2
Sermon Text: Mark 10:35-45
We can't control how something makes us feel, we can control how we respond. Are you ever tired of all the appeals for help? What do we do with feelings of guilt and shame? Especially when it comes to what we have left undone. What motivates you to respond to a ministry of mercy or compassion? What stirs your passion?
March 23: Lent Sunday 3
Sermon Text: Isaiah 1: 16-17
God's picture for a just world is hard to imagine in our current context. How is God's justice different that our sense of justice? Should justice be retributive or restorative? What does God expect of us? How does this fit into mission? Rev. Linda Bass will be preaching.
March 30: Lent Sunday 4
Sermon Text: John 11
Jesus offers to heal us. What binds us? Where you have seen healing or hope? Problems are so complex,
and are best pulled apart in one layer at a time. How is lived out? Do we need the cross?
April 6: Lent Sunday 5 (Communion)
Sermon Text: 1 John 4:7-12
Jesus asks us to be community with one another. Have you ever had strong feelings or a prejudice about something or "those people" that was changed by a friendship? By coming to live among us, God says that our issues are worth getting to know, that we are worth the greatest display of love possible.
April 6: Musical Madness at 4:00pm
It’s time for “Musical Madness!” since it is March, and we
are about to enter what is
known in the sports world as “March Mad-ness” to determine
the best in college
basketball, the Music Committee here at St Paul has
determined we need our own “Musical Madness.” This program will showcase the
best of musical offerings from the choir plus vocal guests and will be held on
Sunday, April 6th, at 4 p.m. Much needed funds will go to support the Friends
of Music Fund. This fund allows our three college scholars to sing with the
choir; however, each student represents $200 support per month. Please mark
your calendar for a fun afternoon. Plans are in the early stage, so there will
be more details to come. Remember, it’s not “March Madness” but “Musical Madness”
here at St Paul, and you don’t want to miss it!
April 12: Easter Egg Hunt
We invite our community and neighbor to join us on this day with facepainting, Springtime crafts, and an Easter Egg Hunt. Parents with small children (under 3), there will be a seperate site for your children to hunt for eggs. All are welcome, we have been collecting candy and eggs for a grand time together!
April 13: Palm Sunday
Children will process palms, we will celebrate that the Messiah has come among us-- and by the end of the service we will be looking toward a cross for his throne! This is a day of conflicting emotions in the church, but one that readies us for the Resurrection on the following Sunday.
We invite our community and neighbor to join us on this day with facepainting, Springtime crafts, and an Easter Egg Hunt. Parents with small children (under 3), there will be a seperate site for your children to hunt for eggs. All are welcome, we have been collecting candy and eggs for a grand time together!
April 13: Palm Sunday
Children will process palms, we will celebrate that the Messiah has come among us-- and by the end of the service we will be looking toward a cross for his throne! This is a day of conflicting emotions in the church, but one that readies us for the Resurrection on the following Sunday.
April 17: Maundy Thursday
Worship will include a brief liturgy,
inspiring music from the choir, a short meditation, Holy Communion, and
the traditional stripping of the altar. You do not want to miss this
beautiful and haunting service that prepares us for the light that is to come.
April 20: Easter Sunday
Worship will be at 7:30am for a special "Sunrise Service" to be the among the first to shout "Alleluia" with the women at the tomb. Worship will begin in front of the church and we will process into the Sanctuary to awake this sacred space for the most sacred of Christian celebrations: the resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!
Our Great Service of Worship will be at 10:45 with special music from the choir, and a joyful morning of celebration. Christ is Risen, He is Risen Indeed!
Worship will be at 7:30am for a special "Sunrise Service" to be the among the first to shout "Alleluia" with the women at the tomb. Worship will begin in front of the church and we will process into the Sanctuary to awake this sacred space for the most sacred of Christian celebrations: the resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!
Our Great Service of Worship will be at 10:45 with special music from the choir, and a joyful morning of celebration. Christ is Risen, He is Risen Indeed!
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